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  中  篇    平衡实在
 Part II A Balanced Reality

第五章     社会观
 Chapter V Outlook on Society

    Society is a group of human beings linked by a common living environment. In its broad sense, society means the entire mankind; in the narrow sense, it may refer to a country, region, group of people or tribe. Outlook on society is common people’s basic view on society. Society as a whole is balanced for the following reasons:
    I. The existence of human beings/species The existence of today’s mankind per se is a kind of balance. The dinosaurs living 6,500 years ago were not so balanced because they no longer exist today despite their mightiness at that time. We human beings, however, should not feel proud of ourselves, for mosquitoes, grasses, microorganisms that have survived to this day are as balanced as us. Mankind is not necessarily the most advanced.
    II. Rise of living standard “Longitudinally,” the living standard of human beings has indeed been raised by a large margin. “Horizontally,” the overall living standard has been greatly improved though the standards of various places are uneven.
    III. Gradual maturation of administration At present, human beings possess mainly two mature patterns of administration, i.e. governmental systems – democracy and centralized power, both of which have played an important role in the survival and development of mankind. Nevertheless, they are relative terms. Neither pure democracy nor pure centralized power ever existed. With its own advantages and disadvantages, each pattern is the means, not the aim, of survival.
    IV. Enhancement of the level of understanding Today, human beings finally come to the deep understanding that grave unsustainability has emerged in the development of mankind. All of us should live in harmony with the nature, animals, plants, and microorganisms, as we should among ourselves. It’s uncertain whether our posterity can survive seven more generations. Regrettably, some people are knowingly undermining the harmony.
    V. Persistent pursuit of justness In spite of a good many dissatisfying things in the world, human beings are always full of hope for tomorrow and persistently pursue fairness and justness.
    In any case, both citizens, the consignor, and the government, the consignee, have only but one aim: to survive. Despite a large number of problems in the human society, it is roughly balanced if examined from a general perspective.
    A family is a small kingdom. Family, a social cell as well as the basic unit of society, boasts extremely strong vitality, which is the ultimate cause of social balance. Human beings/species have the innate inclination towards balance, the instinct for survival. In fact, social problems are not difficult to solve. The key question is whether the two parties can abide by the principle that the advantageous party has the obligation to observe related rules first.
    To sum up, history warns us that the cake is limited while desire is endless and can never be satisfied. The orderly cycle of social development has no end no matter how fast it runs. Be sure to keep in mind not to be anxious for quick success and instant benefit. Otherwise one will spoil things by excessive enthusiasm, which is as harmful as single-product economy, and have only oneself to blame. Diversified harmonious development is our only way.
    Human beings shall live together harmoniously, not fighting against each other. The world is definitely not a kindergarten.
    了解群众想什么、盼什么。要坚持察实情、说实话、办实事、求实效。……不追求虚荣,不掩盖矛盾,不回避问题。……始终不渝地坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的方针,同周边国家平等相待、和谐共处,风雨同舟、携手进步。 ——胡锦涛
    We must find out what the people think and hope for, persist in finding out actual situation, telling the truth, doing down-to-earth work, stressing actual effects.… We must not pursue vanity, cover up conflicts, or evade problems…. We will stick to our policy of friendship and partnership with our neighboring countries on the principle of equality and harmonious coexistence, stand together with our neighbors through adversity, and seek common development hand in hand. ——President Hu Jintao

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