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  中  篇    平衡实在
 Part II A Balanced Reality

第四章     宇宙观
 Chapter IV Outlook on the Universe

    The universe refers to the total of all matters and their forms of existence. Outlook on the universe is people’s basic views on the universe.
    I. The universe is balanced.
    1. Our study on the origin, history, present situation, cycle and future of the universe from a perspective outside its “membrane” shows that the universe is generally balanced.
    关于宇宙起源,目前大家基本认同 “宇宙大爆炸”理论。该理论由著名科学家伽莫夫等人创立。他们认为:诞生之前的宇宙没有时间、空间,也没有能量、信息(但大平衡认为:有)。大约150亿年前,在这个“无”中,一个体积无限小的“奇点”骤然间发生了超级大爆炸。时间、空间,能量、信息从这一刻开始。如图:
    As regards the origin of the universe, the “Big Bang” theory, established by the famous scientist George Gamow and others, is commonly accepted. They asserted that the universe had no time, space, energy, or information before its birth (while the Great Balance Theory holds the opposite view). About 15 billion years ago, an infinitely small singularity in the “vacuum” broke into a tremendous explosion all of a sudden. Since this instant, time, space, energy, and information all started.

    The newly born universe was fervent and compact and cooled fast as it expanded drastically. In the first second after the explosion, the temperature of the universe decreased to 10 billion centigrade. (According to the Great Balance Theory, the cooling indicates greater energy outside the universe.) At that time, the universe was a pot of elementary particle soup, comprising protons, neutrons, and electrons. Therefore, all things are the same on this level. Then the soup cooled down, in which nuclear reactions took place and all kinds of elements came into being. Those particles attracted and integrated with each other to form bigger and bigger conglomerations that gradually evolved into galaxies, fixed stars, and planets. On some celestial bodies appeared lives and human beings.

    今天的宇宙在加速膨胀。宇宙日后可能: 1、一直膨胀下去;2、宇宙在自身“引力、压力”作用下收缩、坍缩为新奇点,完成一个周期。然后再由新奇点发生新大爆炸……。终点、起点周而复始。3、宇宙的膨胀与引力基本抵消避免坍缩。
    Today’s universe is speeding up in expansion. The future possibilities for the universe are as follows: 1. It will keep expanding; 2. Under the gravitation and pressure of its own, the universe will shrink and collapse into a new singularity and thus completes a cycle. Then it will break into a new enormous explosion and keep cycling; 3. The expansion of the universe will be basically counteracted by its gravitation to avoid collapse and shrinking.
    On the whole, the Great Balance Theory agrees with the second projection. Nothing is absolute in the world. Expansion is a relative term to shrinking. The continuous expansion of today’s universe implies that it was small, or even might be a singularity in the past. The singularity exploded into the universe. It may expand to the max, then shrink, and finally collapse into a new singularity, completing one cycle of the movement of the universe. Then the universe may start from this new singularity and repeat the process, like a seed, a process of life.

    2. The universe is balanced also in terms of the distribution of matters. Professor Stephen Hawking said that they found out that the galaxies are, by and large, distributed evenly within the entire outer space except conglomerations or holes at some parts. Cosmology tells us that in relatively small space-time, matters in the universe conglomerate into stars or planets, galaxies, galaxy clusters, super clusters and larger units, which are homogeneous as a whole.

    3、从宇宙能量来看,宇宙也是平衡的。虽说今天的宇宙还在膨胀,但霍金教授说:“正的物质能量刚好和负的引力能量相互平衡,这样就使得总能量为零。当宇宙的尺度加倍,物质和引力能都加倍——这样,零的两倍仍为零。” “仅有的令人惊讶的是,真空能量这么接近于零,这一点在不久前还没有这么明显。” 今天的宇宙,由4%的普通物质、23%的冷暗物质和73%的暗能量组成。暗能量表现为一种反引力。根据质能守恒理论,宇宙总公式为:明能量(+E)与暗能量(-E)应该大体相等:+E == -E
    3. The universe is balanced also in regard to energy. Although today’s universe is still expanding, Professor Hawking holds that the plus matter energy balances the minus gravitation energy, thus the total energy is zero. Once the size of the universe is doubled, both matter energy and gravitation energy double correspondingly. Therefore, double zero is still zero. The only surprise is that vacuum energy is so close to zero, which was not so obvious not long ago. Today’s universe is composed of 4% ordinary matters, 23% cold dark matters, and 73% dark energy that generates a repulsive gravitational force. According to the law of conservation of mass and energy, bright energy (+E) and dark energy (-E) should be roughly equal.:+E == -E
    4、今天宇宙的存在,本身就是一种平衡。平衡就是存在,存在即表示平衡。微波背景辐射显示的宇宙高度的均匀性和各向同性说明,宇宙已经存在了约150亿年左右。斯宾塞先生说:“我们到处都发现趋于均衡的意向。” 古图布也说:“宇宙里统领一切的是均衡。”
    4. The existence of today’s universe is a kind of balance. Balance indicates existence, and vice versa. The high homogeneity and isotropy shown in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) prove that the universe has been in existence for around 15 billion years. Herbert Spencer said that we could find the inclination towards balance in everything. Sayyid Qutb also said that balance dominates the universe.

    The universe maintains its balance for its own survival. As a life body, the universe has the innate inclination towards self-balance, which is the life instinct of "self cause, self conduct, natural presence, and self existence". If matters are distributed unevenly, some parts will readjust themselves, expanding or shrinking, until balance is achieved. In any case, the overall balance of the universe remains unchanged.
    二、生态是平衡的。生态平衡:生态系统中生产、消费、分解者之间的和谐状态。 II. The ecosystem is balanced.Ecological balance refers to the harmonious relationship between the producers, consumers, and decomposers in an ecosystem.
    Producers are chiefly green plants that synthesize organic substances from inorganic materials through photosynthesis and provide “food” to organisms. Consumers are all kinds of animals that live on the organic substances produced by green plants. Decomposers are organisms, often fungi or bacteria, which break down the carcasses and feces of animals and plants and turn them into simple inorganic materials for reuse by the nature. The matter cycle implies that the natrual ecosystem never produces garbage.
    The hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and energy circle in an ecosystem are also in a dynamic balance. Every ecosystem maintains constant energy flow and matter cycling. Ecological balance is dynamic and relative. Changes in internal elements and intervention of external factors will exert influence on the ecosystem. Nonetheless, each ecosystem possesses self-purification capability. The energy flow and matter cycling remain in gear as long as the changes are within the limit of the self-purification capability. Otherwise, the ecosystem will lose its balance. Once it happens, everything in the system is to face severe calamity.

    The ecological balance is the instinctive movement of the ecosystem by "self cause, self conduct, natural presence, and self existence". The self-adjustment – self-purification is the instinct of the ecosystem inclined towards self-balance.
    III. The microcosmos is balanced, too. Matter is composed of molecules, which are composed of atoms, which are composed of positive nuclei and negatrons. A nucleus comprises protons and neutrons. If we explore further, we will find a world of particles, such as quarks, leptons, and gluons, interacting bosons and photons, where various differences of elements disappear.
    Positive protons, neutrons and negatrons strike a balance in forming a neutral atom. Werner Karl Heisenberg proposed that proton and neutron could be seen as two states of a nucleus. For instance, the excessive neutrons in a nucleus of the natural b ray have the tendency towards turning into protons to seek a balance. At the same time, the nucleus discharges negatrons to maintain the overall balance. Similarly, when the number of neutrons falls short, protons will turn into neutrons and discharge positrons to keep the balance in the nucleus.
    总之, 宇宙是一个自发、矛盾、有序循环的自因力场。矛盾双方都有首先趋向自身平衡的本性。该本性天然的无止境追求必然导致各种矛盾产生。矛盾的任何一方都不能消灭对方而独立存在。对立面的存在有弊有利,辩证应对则相反相成。自我生存、兼顾整体。人们最终将洞晓此理达成共识:和而不同、依理施仁、同生共荣。
    In conclusion, the universe is a spontaneous, contradictive, orderly cycling field of force causa sui. Both parties of a contradiction have the innate inclination towards self-balance. The natural endless pursuit of this inclination inevitably leads to various kinds of conflicts. Neither party can eliminate the other and exist alone. The existence of the opposite shows both advantages and disadvantages. The two parties oppose and yet complement each other dialectically, preserving the self and the whole at the same time. Mankind will finally achieve the common understanding of the following truths: Be harmonious but tolerant of difference; practice benevolence according to the common principle, and interdependent coexistence and common prosperity.
    The universe is in balance and cannot survive without balance.
    There must be a general universe outside the one we know.
    ——American scientist and 2004 Nobel Prize winner in Physics Frank Wilczek

    附:大平衡推测:1、宇宙天体相互靠近不是相互引力,而是超巨黑洞对它们的压力。它们之间反而可能是排斥的。地球对人不是吸引、而是排斥。人是被大气“压”在了地球上。2、宇宙中的天体是一个一个的UFO。迟早会被大气 “旋转消没”为 “小奇点”。3、作为今天宇宙起点的“奇点”,也应是上一个宇宙的终点。宇宙运动如环无端、往复循环。4、总宇宙“膜”是大真空。说无它有、说有它空。作用是:隔离内外,保障内部能量信息交流。宇宙象细胞。 以上研究进展顺利。欢迎合作,条件商谈。
    The projections of the Great Balance Theory:
    1. The celestial bodies are brought close by the pressure from the super massive black holes, instead of inter-attraction. The force between the celestial bodies may be repulsive. The earth repels rather than attracts human beings, who are kept on the earth by pressure of the atmosphere.
    2. The celestial bodies are UFOs, which will be rotated and worn down to small singularities by the atmosphere sooner or later.
    3. The singularity where today’s universe began should be the end point of the previous universe. The movement of the universe continues to repeat in cycles.
    4. The “membrane” of the general universe is a vast vacuum. If you say it does not exist, the fact turns out to be the opposite. If you say it exists, there is really nothing in it. The membrane functions to separate the universe from outside and guarantee the energy and information exchange inside. The universe we used to know is like a cell in the general universe.
    The above research is developing smoothly. We welcome talks for cooperation

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