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  下  篇    平衡方法
 Part III Methods of Balance

第七章    价值观
 Chapter VII Values

    价值:用处、评判标准。 价值观:具体的评判观点。如对公私、义利、荣辱、忠孝、美丑、友谊、爱情、幸福、自由、生死等的“总看法”。“真诚”为第一评判标准。
    Value: usefulness and standard for judgment. Values: specific judgment. For instance, the “general view” regarding public and private interests, justice and benefit, honor and disgrace, loyalty and fidial piety, beauty and ugliness, friendship, love, happiness, freedom, birth and death. “Sincerity” is the No. 1 standard for judgment.
    The values of the Great Balance Theory: “the orderly increase or decrease of overall interests”—“usability”—“love” on principle
    具体为五个有利于:1、人民幸福;2、国家安定;3、世界和平;4、人与自然和谐;5、人的潜能发挥。 To be specific, it facilitates:
    1) people’s happiness; 2) state security; 3). world peace; 4). harmony between human and nature; and 5). exertion of people’s potentials.
    We can analyze specific issues once the above five standards are met. Of course, along with the changes of the times, necessary changes should be made to the wording and formulation to ensure its survival. To safeguard the “standard for judgment”, we should:
    1) respect the natural law; 2) respect human rights; 3) abide by the laws and regulations of the state; abide by the international treaties that are relatively just; 4) observe social morality and classic ethics; and 5) take into consideration the persons, things, time and space involved.
    The main judging body of the Great Balance values is “common people and historical development”.
    The 12 basic understandings of the Great Balance Theory:
    Personality: Be sincere and kindhearted, and constantly strive to become stronger.
    Public and private: Without public interests, there would be no private interests; without private interests, there would be no public interests. If an appropriate balance between public and private interests is achieved, there would be prosperity and powerfulness.
    Justice and benefit: Great benefit is justice and minor justice is benefit. Choose justice when one should be just, and choose benefit when one should do so. The combination of the two depends on circumstances.
    Honor and disgrace: People all seek honor and avoid disgrace, but we should first make clear what the honor is and what the disgrace is. If it’s worthwhile, we should not hesitate to accept it.
    Loyalty and fidial piety: Great fidial piety is loyalty and minor loyalty is fidial piety. Choose loyalty when one should be loyal; and choose filial piety when one should do so, and the combination of the two depends on the circumstances.
    Politics: Politics is great economy and economy is minor politics. The state is a great company and the company is a minor state.
    Beauty and ugliness: Being sincere, kindhearted and natural is what beauty means. Beauty or ugliness may change from time to time, and the key lies in the heart.
    Friendship: The goal of feeling, reason and law.
    Love: Romance that should be serious. Passion of life.
    Happiness: Anticipation of the goals, mental experience and comments by others during the pursuit for the great conviction.
    Freedom: Freedom means being conscientious, comfortable, natural and ease.
    Birth and death: Treasure birth but not fear of death, distain death and live a life meaningful. To live or to die should depend on circumstances.
    The basic standard to appraise our work should be whether the people are satisfied or not, happy or not, and agree or not. —— Hu Jintao

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